Paradigm Safety’s Services

Discover how we can help shift your safety paradigm.

Safety First Means People First

According to Injury Facts®, preventable workplace deaths totaled 4,472 in 2021.
Nearly 13,000 American workers suffer an injury every day; each is preventable.

(Statistics provided from The National Safety Council)

Services Customized to Your Organizations Needs

Have a project to complete but no bandwidth? We have you covered!
Need an external audit? We got you!
Looking to upskill your safety committee? We’re here for you!
Want to make waves and change the direction of your safety culture ship? We can be your captain!

The goal of a gap assessment is to provide objective feedback on program maturity and/or key areas of risk. We will deliver a report that includes a prioritized list of opportunity areas along with recommended actions. An assessment can be tailored to your business needs.

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All businesses subject to OSHA regulations must have relevant policies and a training program in place for compliance. Paradigm Safety will create customized safety policies for your organization including a matrix that identifies safety training requirements.

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An effective ergonomics program will result in increased worker satisfaction and higher profitability for your business. Ergonomic improvements frequently improve productivity and quality in addition to employee safety and comfort. We perform human factors assessments using industry standard tools.

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We partner with businesses that are seeking to enhance the maturity of their safety programs and culture. Each engagement is tailored to the unique needs of the business.

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Problem-solving workshops are typically based on findings from interviews and initial survey results in a preliminary phase with the organization. Paradigm will facilitate an in-person workshop with key decision makers and employees.

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We help you protect your employees with scalable and tailored safety solutions from risk assessments to program development and safety culture improvement. After assessing current program maturity and identifying your safety priorities, we develop a roadmap to achieve your desired goals.

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How Our Newest AI, SoterGenius, Will Forever Change the Way We Manage Risk

AI is reshaping safety and risk management by enhancing efficiency and improving injury prevention strategies. Soter has been at the forefront of the AI revolution since first introducing their wearable technology in 2017 and now launching SoterGenius, the world’s first comprehensive safety tool designed to aid in regulatory compliance, hazard identification and mitigation, risk assessments, and generating solutions to solve safety related problems.

Download this newly released white paper, and connect with us if you would like to implement this in your organization.

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Contact Paradigm Safety

with Heather Chapman of Paradigm Safety

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